Thursday, 10 January 2008

*ding dong* all ur base are belong to me

Greetings Blogzombies! tis i, the spideR. returneth again to spin my web once more. sorry for the absence, readers from days long past will ecall that i despise the end/start of the year, it agitates my agitate bone [u can find that near the funny bone] anways . . . that times come and gone and nowa new time is before us.

so . . . [with full knowledge of how much older than i am this will make me sound . . .] WHATS on the board Miss ford? yeh tht just souned st00pid, well theres few pieces of watnot for me to update u hopeless sacks of [insert word here] so here it comes in LIST like fasion.

1] we Downed Prince in kara [thats wow speech] me =Jakfrost in guild Oblivion server = frostmourn. yeh, we ROCK.

2] i got a laptop, a new cam, and a ew fone. i ROCK

3] mum gets back from singapore on Sunday.

4] ive made contact with a long lost branch of the calteaux family. how cool is that. idalways been under the impression that id never ever get to meet or talk to one. CALTEAUX's ROCK

and last but not least

5] Illz im real sorry bout the lack of speech, u too widz and ika. i get anti social round that time of year. dont u remember from the year before? love u girls!!!!

oooh wait!

6] im back to updateing this damned blog.

7] new art going up on deviant soon.

8] might be taking a few more steps forward in the music pursuit thingy.

9] if i hadnt said it before, ill say it now I ROCK

and 10] i guess there really wasnt that much to fill u guys in on. T_T crymore plz then Q_Q G_G Z_Z.

now that thats all done for, why is there noting good on TV? nothing at all. sad sad sad day . . . Sir Ed passed away. he was an awesome awesome old guy, u know the one. climbed everest? yeh silence for him please.

as i was saying im probably just rambling right about now, which is a good thing as that means ill be blogging more than i have bee. welcome me back now k? thanx. and in regards to the emails i still get. <3 u all

this is the spideR saying

spideR out.

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

My own thoughts part 2

The truth of the matter.

Appearance may be reflection of your mood, but attitude is a reflection of self.


Attitude isn't simply a state of mind, its a reflection of self and what we as an individual value. Its more than just saying "I can", it's believing you can.

It requires believing before seeing, because seeing is based on circumstances, believeing is based on faith which in turn is based on ideas. And ideas are what the future is made of.

Attitude is contagious, especially when we allow it to turn our doubts of the past into passions of today and set the stage for out tomorrows.

We have total ownership of our attitude. No one else can ever gain the power to alter our attitudes without our permission. Our attitde allows us to become more empowering than money, to rise above our failures and accept others for who they are and what they say. It is more important than "giftedness" and is the fore-runner of all skills needed for happiness and success.

Our attitudes can be used to build us up or put us down . . . the choice is yours.

It also gives us the wisdom to know, that we cannot change events of the past.

I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to ME, 15% what happens to others and 75% how I react to it, because nothing we do is predestined, there are many different possible futures and we are constantly choosing ones that will lead us to the ultimate end.

And it is with this state of mind that I remain in charge of not only MY life, but of my attitude aswell.

My on thoughts part one.

Coz you don't know me
And i don't know you
So don't approach me
And i won't approach you
Don't insult me
I won't insult you
Coz you don't know what i will or i won't do . . .

Okay there blogzombies, THIS is an attempt to stop the emails from you nosey lil best0rds wanting to know MORE about ME. i mean sure i know im amazing and all, but THIS is your only chance to know the truth of that which is I. enjoy. and NO MORE damn emails asking me about ME!

Hi, my names Dino A Calteaux, the spideR and DAC b'Nimble and I'm a wizard . . .

okay okay, i know that sounds rediculous but it's true. Chances are, that you're a wizard too.

First let me ask a simple rhetorical question . . . "What IS a wizard?"

A wizard is a mage, a wonder maker, a person who injects a jolt of the marvelous into the everyday. there are wizards everywhere, though these days they've traded in their magic shops and spellbooks for libraries and story books. Todays wizards wield paintbrushes or pens or typewriters or Even computers instead of wands.

Some may have LONG WHITE BEARDS, but most do not. Todays wizards come in all ages, all genders, all colors and shapes. They are the authors and artist's who work with stories of the fantastic. What they have is a vision to share with others. They enable us to see a little further, to see a little deeper.

It is NO simple gift.

Some people, recognising the power of these everyday mages, try to limit the magic. They try to keep the magic out of their lives. So they rail against the malicious influence of certain emotion brought upon by the magic of movement and literature. They denigrate it, remove it from their libraries and their lives. In other words . . . they Ban it.

The events, twists and turns that have taken place in my life could all be labled "escapalist literature". But "fantasy" is rarely as much of an escape as its detractor would have us believe. In fact, in a life, like mine for example . . . We learn many things, including the importance of keeping our sense of wonder.

Most importantly . . . these events can open us up to the pleasure and delight of the imagination.

Mage, image, imagination.

THAT is magic enough for any wizard.

Many times before, Ive taken pen in hand to record my feelings and the everyday events of my life. At the age of 7 creating my own modification of the diary concept; writing only in codes that were painstakingly memorised. To this day i continue with the tradition of writing my life and feelings, and sometimes . . Just sometimes, i share it with the world.

Now ive learned that ones life is continually changing, thins that once seemed necessary and a basic part of life, have little meaning today. Some changes are sudden. Others are slow. All, it seems . . are painful.

15 years . . . it doesn't really feel like a long time, and yet . . the young boy who first wrote that first coded diary entry seems a stranger to me now. My fantasy world has fallen down around me, to reveal a universe of wonder at the centre of a more real, scary, world.

I realise that there are many things I have yet to face . . .
Mostly about myself. Accepting them would be a challenge. Im still getting over the fact that i am not immune to the effects of change.

My life is a fairytale, but fairy tales all too oftencrumble into reality, leaving the naive disbeliever devastated.

Maybe i dont believe in Santa Claus anymore, but i am no longer dissapointed when i don't find a ton of goodies under the tree. I can truly enjoy the 2 or 3 gifts that are in my life everyday of the year.

Sunday, 28 October 2007

Smile [a dedicated post]

Smile, though your heart is aching

Smile, even though it’s breaking

When there are clouds in the sky

you’ll get by

If you smile

through your fear and sorrow

Smile and maybe tomorrow

You’ll see the sun come shining through

for you

Light up your face with gladness

Hide every trace of sadness

Although a tear

may be ever so near

That’s the time you must keep on trying

Smile what’s the use of crying

You’ll find that life is still worthwhile

If you’ll just


and that was the smile song folks, dedicated to one person in particular but seroiously . . . how many rocket scientists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? well it depends on how short they are. that wasnt an attempt at humor.

Ladies and gents of the press it has come to my awareness as of recent that an awful amount of "down in the dumps" has been going around, and truth be told, its starting to get at me. as the Dino of Dino's, Clown of Clown's, humor king of humor king's, the upside downer of frowns, the self proclaimed fingerlicking stair falling laughter master of the pre planned accident, king of the stupid question . . . just wanted to brag, anyways, wat i was going to say is there comes a point when you realise that with all this negativity coming and going there really isnt any room for a carefree take life by the nosehairs kinda person to breath. cheering everyone else up has left me drained, but like that advertisement says i will "soldier on".

because there really isnt a dino for me, well none that are constant, im guna cheer myself up the only way i know works best, im guna sing the doom song.

anyways, im feeling a lil better, talking about ones problems are usually the best way to help you get through them, and know theres ALWAYS at least one person who loves you unconditional. well ONE who isnt family, then theres like three or 4 that just really admire and like you, 10 who consider you there best friends and 20 who are only pretending to be your friend. the worlds a very mathematical place, this one time i opend a pack of mint tic tacs and found an orange one inside. i namedit Ron. He melted. that didnt help prove watevre point i was trying to make but sharing is caring.

that said, i leave you lucky readers with this endnote,

those who do not look will never find, this much is true for all things save but for a few exceptions, happiness, love, and the perfect chicken sandwhich (you know, not too much or too little mayo, enuff chicken to fill you up but not fall out etc etc). These last three tend to lose themselves even more when one goes in search of it, so it is often better to let it come find you instead.

well anyways, im off now. was hoping by the time i got thru this someone would be on msn bt guess no luck for D. so this is Dino the spideR saying :

Till the clouds get sunburnt, spideR out.

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Face novel.

Back by popular demand its DAC b'nimble
also known as the spideR, lets keep this simple
cos not only are i back, but finally
and funilly enough im back to rhyme in speak.
I mean speakin in rhyme
Im just buyin some time
before i get to talkin wats on my mind
but dont you get to thinkin "how gone is i?"
just let the rain keep pourin before the storm resides
truth is, we was all really born to die
and even the prettiest roses have thier thorny sides
call me wrong, call me right, call me undecided
but what you cant deny : this blog has been under writed.

and with that i tip my hat and greet thee blog zombies with a the most heartiest of arghs. woops i meant hellos, greetings and salutations, and all that jazz.

wise man once said, life is not just one juicy steak, it is many juicy steaks in a vegetarian cafe. well okay, wise man didnt really say that, but it sounds like something hed say doesnt it? Anyways, wats with the nursery rhyme at the top of teh post you might ask? i wanted to fill in some space i might answer. might being the opperative word, DID you know it is like nearly 5 am here in the spideRs webroom, woops i meant my bedroom and now that the sleeper has awoken he just cant get back to sleep0rating. so i figured id bable here for a bit. working on a big project which looks like it may be fun. havent thouht of a cool name for it yet so for now its just called "operation : will one day be called the doomsday trillogy" or something shnazzy allong those lines.

ok, FACEBOOK! if ever there was a networking site so annoyingly addictive, then this HAS to be it. what with addons and other things that you could get lost in participating in for hours on end. It could be the death of [insert something here] i havent been on it for long but already cant seem to get away from its evil clutches. I wouldnt be surprised if the pepsi company was behind its creation really. Evil barstards.

Oh, point in whatchamacallems, gratz ME for wasting so much valuable reading time before i had my little rant on facebook which didnt take as long as i thought it would. Also, Fiish and Cheeps have started posting again, so why not pop over, have a read leave a comment and if you manage to fit my name into your comment your in the draw to win a chance to get an honourable mention in my 2030 yearbook.

that said, this is dino the spideR saying

"Till the cows come home, spideR out"

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Dead men tell no tales?

well whoda thunkit huh? after such a long absence . . . gu gu guess whos back? haha, yeh well im not even guna bother with making up excuses for not writing to inform you greedy me hungry lifless blogzombies where i was or what i was doing. All im going to do is get on with it.

Yes, well, uni . . . has been a biarch as of late, what with essays and assignments and exams (coming up) i wasnt in the least surprised to discover i have a few new white hairs cropping up in random paces (thats places without the L) so wats new with me you ask? i quit smoking. was a big up for me i suppose. w00t lets all celemabrate. other than that ive been shoving my nose so deep into the books that i caused serious damage to my sharingan. but on the plus side, i see dead people.

Anyways, this post wasnt really meant to happen. just a bit of before i go back to bed again boredome really. But while im here regular postings will begin asap and youl get another month of two of me before i stop once again (for that is the circle of life)

this is Dino 'the spideR' saying

keep your pants on and spideR out.

Sunday, 29 July 2007

Q's and A's - Just coz you asked them.

Greetings blogzombies,
Sad to say, it as been a while since last i did update. However as gramatically incorrect as that last statement was, there is as always a reason [after saying this i begin to wonder if i AM a habitual excuse maker *scrunched face*] Anyways, the reason for the distance in time between then and now would be because i have been reading thru alot of 'fanmail' [sorry i have to LAUGH at that] and as a result have decidde to answer said emails in tnoights entry. so without further whatevers heres my answers to YOUR questions.

[due to the nature of some emails i have decided to keep all questions anomynous]

1. Q. Why spideR?
A. Why what? if your asking why i call myself spideR then i spose the correct answer would be 'because all the other cool insect names were taken, but honestly, the name spideR is a reference to my gaming alias [us gamers are wierd like that] ie : on starcraft i am Electro_spideR on warcraft i am Shadow_spideR etc etc.

2. Q. They say you're rather talented, what else can you do?
A. Well, besides write amazingly pointless blogs that keep readers interested, rap, draw, sing, write songs, do stand up comedy, act and lick stamps to put on envelopes? i think what you should really be asking is 'what CANT i do?' :D im a firm believer in the nothing is impossible way of life.

3. Q. Is there a miss spideR?
A. you don't watch much discovery channel do you? we spideR's are a lonely bunch who only ever meet others like us to mate. That said, im too scared i may meet a blackwidow by accident and end up as someones breakfast.

4. Q. Not meaning to sound impolite but why do you take so long to post?
A. No offence taken kind sir, now shuddup and quit your bitchin im posting aint i?

5. Q. That pic of you looks quite cute, if you were to see me what would would you do?
A. Thanks for the pictures hun, they sold for about 40 cents a print at uni.

6. Q. Where did the harvest0r go?
A. He went to evil bloggers heaven. so he can rant with the evil easterbunny about how fagsville the evil santaclauses new house looks in the evil northpole. How bout you read before you ask idiot

7. Q. I miss the mean sarcastic way of writing that you and Harv used to use, will you be bringing it back anytime soon?
A. This post was dedicated to you cockhat.

8. Q. What other names do you go by?
A. Gamer/Blogname : spideR [or something spideR themed]
Rap : the DAC
Art : D.A.C
Birth : Dino A Calteaux [sorry only a chosen few will ever know my middle name]

9. Q. What languages do you speak?
A. English, Gamer, Malay, Maori, French and a little Spanish.

10. Q. If you could have ONE wish what would it be and why?
A. 1 wish? anything at all? hmmmm.... wel in that case id wish that some people would stop emailing me with some of the most retarded questions ever. AND know im not interested it what anyone looks like naked aswell so kindly stop with those aswell. okay maybe that was 2 wishes but the hell with it. i can turn 1 into 2 and 2 into 4. im that awesome.