Sunday, 29 July 2007

Q's and A's - Just coz you asked them.

Greetings blogzombies,
Sad to say, it as been a while since last i did update. However as gramatically incorrect as that last statement was, there is as always a reason [after saying this i begin to wonder if i AM a habitual excuse maker *scrunched face*] Anyways, the reason for the distance in time between then and now would be because i have been reading thru alot of 'fanmail' [sorry i have to LAUGH at that] and as a result have decidde to answer said emails in tnoights entry. so without further whatevers heres my answers to YOUR questions.

[due to the nature of some emails i have decided to keep all questions anomynous]

1. Q. Why spideR?
A. Why what? if your asking why i call myself spideR then i spose the correct answer would be 'because all the other cool insect names were taken, but honestly, the name spideR is a reference to my gaming alias [us gamers are wierd like that] ie : on starcraft i am Electro_spideR on warcraft i am Shadow_spideR etc etc.

2. Q. They say you're rather talented, what else can you do?
A. Well, besides write amazingly pointless blogs that keep readers interested, rap, draw, sing, write songs, do stand up comedy, act and lick stamps to put on envelopes? i think what you should really be asking is 'what CANT i do?' :D im a firm believer in the nothing is impossible way of life.

3. Q. Is there a miss spideR?
A. you don't watch much discovery channel do you? we spideR's are a lonely bunch who only ever meet others like us to mate. That said, im too scared i may meet a blackwidow by accident and end up as someones breakfast.

4. Q. Not meaning to sound impolite but why do you take so long to post?
A. No offence taken kind sir, now shuddup and quit your bitchin im posting aint i?

5. Q. That pic of you looks quite cute, if you were to see me what would would you do?
A. Thanks for the pictures hun, they sold for about 40 cents a print at uni.

6. Q. Where did the harvest0r go?
A. He went to evil bloggers heaven. so he can rant with the evil easterbunny about how fagsville the evil santaclauses new house looks in the evil northpole. How bout you read before you ask idiot

7. Q. I miss the mean sarcastic way of writing that you and Harv used to use, will you be bringing it back anytime soon?
A. This post was dedicated to you cockhat.

8. Q. What other names do you go by?
A. Gamer/Blogname : spideR [or something spideR themed]
Rap : the DAC
Art : D.A.C
Birth : Dino A Calteaux [sorry only a chosen few will ever know my middle name]

9. Q. What languages do you speak?
A. English, Gamer, Malay, Maori, French and a little Spanish.

10. Q. If you could have ONE wish what would it be and why?
A. 1 wish? anything at all? hmmmm.... wel in that case id wish that some people would stop emailing me with some of the most retarded questions ever. AND know im not interested it what anyone looks like naked aswell so kindly stop with those aswell. okay maybe that was 2 wishes but the hell with it. i can turn 1 into 2 and 2 into 4. im that awesome.

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