Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Dead men tell no tales?

well whoda thunkit huh? after such a long absence . . . gu gu guess whos back? haha, yeh well im not even guna bother with making up excuses for not writing to inform you greedy me hungry lifless blogzombies where i was or what i was doing. All im going to do is get on with it.

Yes, well, uni . . . has been a biarch as of late, what with essays and assignments and exams (coming up) i wasnt in the least surprised to discover i have a few new white hairs cropping up in random paces (thats places without the L) so wats new with me you ask? i quit smoking. was a big up for me i suppose. w00t lets all celemabrate. other than that ive been shoving my nose so deep into the books that i caused serious damage to my sharingan. but on the plus side, i see dead people.

Anyways, this post wasnt really meant to happen. just a bit of before i go back to bed again boredome really. But while im here regular postings will begin asap and youl get another month of two of me before i stop once again (for that is the circle of life)

this is Dino 'the spideR' saying

keep your pants on and spideR out.

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