Back by popular demand its DAC b'nimble
also known as the spideR, lets keep this simple
cos not only are i back, but finally
and funilly enough im back to rhyme in speak.
I mean speakin in rhyme
Im just buyin some time
before i get to talkin wats on my mind
but dont you get to thinkin "how gone is i?"
just let the rain keep pourin before the storm resides
truth is, we was all really born to die
and even the prettiest roses have thier thorny sides
call me wrong, call me right, call me undecided
but what you cant deny : this blog has been under writed.
and with that i tip my hat and greet thee blog zombies with a the most heartiest of arghs. woops i meant hellos, greetings and salutations, and all that jazz.
wise man once said, life is not just one juicy steak, it is many juicy steaks in a vegetarian cafe. well okay, wise man didnt really say that, but it sounds like something hed say doesnt it? Anyways, wats with the nursery rhyme at the top of teh post you might ask? i wanted to fill in some space i might answer. might being the opperative word, DID you know it is like nearly 5 am here in the spideRs webroom, woops i meant my bedroom and now that the sleeper has awoken he just cant get back to sleep0rating. so i figured id bable here for a bit. working on a big project which looks like it may be fun. havent thouht of a cool name for it yet so for now its just called "operation : will one day be called the doomsday trillogy" or something shnazzy allong those lines.
ok, FACEBOOK! if ever there was a networking site so annoyingly addictive, then this HAS to be it. what with addons and other things that you could get lost in participating in for hours on end. It could be the death of [insert something here] i havent been on it for long but already cant seem to get away from its evil clutches. I wouldnt be surprised if the pepsi company was behind its creation really. Evil barstards.
Oh, point in whatchamacallems, gratz ME for wasting so much valuable reading time before i had my little rant on facebook which didnt take as long as i thought it would. Also, Fiish and Cheeps have started posting again, so why not pop over, have a read leave a comment and if you manage to fit my name into your comment your in the draw to win a chance to get an honourable mention in my 2030 yearbook.
that said, this is dino the spideR saying
"Till the cows come home, spideR out"
Contact me @
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
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