Sunday, 28 October 2007

Smile [a dedicated post]

Smile, though your heart is aching

Smile, even though it’s breaking

When there are clouds in the sky

you’ll get by

If you smile

through your fear and sorrow

Smile and maybe tomorrow

You’ll see the sun come shining through

for you

Light up your face with gladness

Hide every trace of sadness

Although a tear

may be ever so near

That’s the time you must keep on trying

Smile what’s the use of crying

You’ll find that life is still worthwhile

If you’ll just


and that was the smile song folks, dedicated to one person in particular but seroiously . . . how many rocket scientists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? well it depends on how short they are. that wasnt an attempt at humor.

Ladies and gents of the press it has come to my awareness as of recent that an awful amount of "down in the dumps" has been going around, and truth be told, its starting to get at me. as the Dino of Dino's, Clown of Clown's, humor king of humor king's, the upside downer of frowns, the self proclaimed fingerlicking stair falling laughter master of the pre planned accident, king of the stupid question . . . just wanted to brag, anyways, wat i was going to say is there comes a point when you realise that with all this negativity coming and going there really isnt any room for a carefree take life by the nosehairs kinda person to breath. cheering everyone else up has left me drained, but like that advertisement says i will "soldier on".

because there really isnt a dino for me, well none that are constant, im guna cheer myself up the only way i know works best, im guna sing the doom song.

anyways, im feeling a lil better, talking about ones problems are usually the best way to help you get through them, and know theres ALWAYS at least one person who loves you unconditional. well ONE who isnt family, then theres like three or 4 that just really admire and like you, 10 who consider you there best friends and 20 who are only pretending to be your friend. the worlds a very mathematical place, this one time i opend a pack of mint tic tacs and found an orange one inside. i namedit Ron. He melted. that didnt help prove watevre point i was trying to make but sharing is caring.

that said, i leave you lucky readers with this endnote,

those who do not look will never find, this much is true for all things save but for a few exceptions, happiness, love, and the perfect chicken sandwhich (you know, not too much or too little mayo, enuff chicken to fill you up but not fall out etc etc). These last three tend to lose themselves even more when one goes in search of it, so it is often better to let it come find you instead.

well anyways, im off now. was hoping by the time i got thru this someone would be on msn bt guess no luck for D. so this is Dino the spideR saying :

Till the clouds get sunburnt, spideR out.

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