Coz you don't know me
And i don't know you
So don't approach me
And i won't approach you
Don't insult me
I won't insult you
Coz you don't know what i will or i won't do . . .
Okay there blogzombies, THIS is an attempt to stop the emails from you nosey lil best0rds wanting to know MORE about ME. i mean sure i know im amazing and all, but THIS is your only chance to know the truth of that which is I. enjoy. and NO MORE damn emails asking me about ME!
Hi, my names Dino A Calteaux, the spideR and DAC b'Nimble and I'm a wizard . . .
okay okay, i know that sounds rediculous but it's true. Chances are, that you're a wizard too.
First let me ask a simple rhetorical question . . . "What IS a wizard?"
A wizard is a mage, a wonder maker, a person who injects a jolt of the marvelous into the everyday. there are wizards everywhere, though these days they've traded in their magic shops and spellbooks for libraries and story books. Todays wizards wield paintbrushes or pens or typewriters or Even computers instead of wands.
Some may have LONG WHITE BEARDS, but most do not. Todays wizards come in all ages, all genders, all colors and shapes. They are the authors and artist's who work with stories of the fantastic. What they have is a vision to share with others. They enable us to see a little further, to see a little deeper.
It is NO simple gift.
Some people, recognising the power of these everyday mages, try to limit the magic. They try to keep the magic out of their lives. So they rail against the malicious influence of certain emotion brought upon by the magic of movement and literature. They denigrate it, remove it from their libraries and their lives. In other words . . . they Ban it.
The events, twists and turns that have taken place in my life could all be labled "escapalist literature". But "fantasy" is rarely as much of an escape as its detractor would have us believe. In fact, in a life, like mine for example . . . We learn many things, including the importance of keeping our sense of wonder.
Most importantly . . . these events can open us up to the pleasure and delight of the imagination.
Mage, image, imagination.
THAT is magic enough for any wizard.
Many times before, Ive taken pen in hand to record my feelings and the everyday events of my life. At the age of 7 creating my own modification of the diary concept; writing only in codes that were painstakingly memorised. To this day i continue with the tradition of writing my life and feelings, and sometimes . . Just sometimes, i share it with the world.
Now ive learned that ones life is continually changing, thins that once seemed necessary and a basic part of life, have little meaning today. Some changes are sudden. Others are slow. All, it seems . . are painful.
15 years . . . it doesn't really feel like a long time, and yet . . the young boy who first wrote that first coded diary entry seems a stranger to me now. My fantasy world has fallen down around me, to reveal a universe of wonder at the centre of a more real, scary, world.
I realise that there are many things I have yet to face . . .
Mostly about myself. Accepting them would be a challenge. Im still getting over the fact that i am not immune to the effects of change.
My life is a fairytale, but fairy tales all too oftencrumble into reality, leaving the naive disbeliever devastated.
Maybe i dont believe in Santa Claus anymore, but i am no longer dissapointed when i don't find a ton of goodies under the tree. I can truly enjoy the 2 or 3 gifts that are in my life everyday of the year.
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