Thursday, 10 January 2008

*ding dong* all ur base are belong to me

Greetings Blogzombies! tis i, the spideR. returneth again to spin my web once more. sorry for the absence, readers from days long past will ecall that i despise the end/start of the year, it agitates my agitate bone [u can find that near the funny bone] anways . . . that times come and gone and nowa new time is before us.

so . . . [with full knowledge of how much older than i am this will make me sound . . .] WHATS on the board Miss ford? yeh tht just souned st00pid, well theres few pieces of watnot for me to update u hopeless sacks of [insert word here] so here it comes in LIST like fasion.

1] we Downed Prince in kara [thats wow speech] me =Jakfrost in guild Oblivion server = frostmourn. yeh, we ROCK.

2] i got a laptop, a new cam, and a ew fone. i ROCK

3] mum gets back from singapore on Sunday.

4] ive made contact with a long lost branch of the calteaux family. how cool is that. idalways been under the impression that id never ever get to meet or talk to one. CALTEAUX's ROCK

and last but not least

5] Illz im real sorry bout the lack of speech, u too widz and ika. i get anti social round that time of year. dont u remember from the year before? love u girls!!!!

oooh wait!

6] im back to updateing this damned blog.

7] new art going up on deviant soon.

8] might be taking a few more steps forward in the music pursuit thingy.

9] if i hadnt said it before, ill say it now I ROCK

and 10] i guess there really wasnt that much to fill u guys in on. T_T crymore plz then Q_Q G_G Z_Z.

now that thats all done for, why is there noting good on TV? nothing at all. sad sad sad day . . . Sir Ed passed away. he was an awesome awesome old guy, u know the one. climbed everest? yeh silence for him please.

as i was saying im probably just rambling right about now, which is a good thing as that means ill be blogging more than i have bee. welcome me back now k? thanx. and in regards to the emails i still get. <3 u all

this is the spideR saying

spideR out.