Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Trixsta™ Pencils + Random gibberish.

Hey there blogzombies, and welcome to YET ANOTHER exciting installment of "the spideR's web". Today, I start A new segment in my web aimed mostly at getting me BACK into the drawing scene. Yes, this is the spideR proudly presenting to blogzombies worldwide, "Char sketches" . . . Your prolly thinking "WTF?" well all will be explained in due time. but before i ever get to doing that, heres our first little preview of whats to come.
This first pic you see above [what you are presently reading] is an original piece i drew i think late 90's [if im NOT mistaken it was the year of 99, my best work came from that time period]
The character was originally name 'The Trixta' but as ive decided to get back into the comic scene i had to make several changes as my lil world seemed to be fulll of characters with 'The' in their names [eg: the mutation, the spideR, the trixta, the dark gaurdian] So first to change was the name, which has been slightly altered to plain old 'Trixsta™" After that i also decided to make some alterations to her 'origins' story line [but more on that in a different segment at some other time] Aswell as a complete revamp of the basic character design. As seen Below.

The Following images are all [despite appearances, blame my scanner] Pencil sketches, They each took roughly under 15 mins to do, so you will have to forgive me for them lacking 'OOOOMF'

Here we have a basic side on Mugshot pic, masked and unmasked. Ii don't know, having started out doing more anime based work, i still feel hair rather strange to draw. As you can see, the hairstyle has changed dramatically from how i had drawn it in 99.
Possibly the best Trxsta™ pic ive drawn as of yet, i like the pose. And yes this is a homage to classices like 'the flinstones and the jetsons' which taught me from a very young age, all about drawing girls with that 'clasic' hourglass figure. This is a redraw of a work i did last year, which is currently on my devart gallery. Alterations i made : her 'proportions' are now no longer exagerated.
Another classsic pose, this pic took the longest cos i was unsure what to do with it to make it different from the above pic. And YES she IS holding a bomb. and YES she WILL throw it at you with a grin on her face. And YES she IS one of the goodguys. confused? me too.

Well anyways, Thats it for me today, i just felt id start up the 'showcasing' my work. and what better way to start off with pencils, ill ink these pics later before i add colors.
I want photoshop. Sometimes felts and watercolors dont look as good scanned as they do on paper. Anyways, for those of you secretly asking in your heads "will there be info on Trixsta™ coming up sometime soon? and will there be more pics of other characters?" the answer is YES. but i lead a very busy life as a superhero so it may be a while. i need to learn better time management skills, or ask criminals to take days off.
Well anyways, till the moon shines blood blue,
this is the spideR saying
spideR out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cool stuff. - shasha