The character was originally name 'The Trixta' but as ive decided to get back into the comic scene i had to make several changes as my lil world seemed to be fulll of characters with 'The' in their names [eg: the mutation, the spideR, the trixta, the dark gaurdian] So first to change was the name, which has been slightly altered to plain old 'Trixsta™" After that i also decided to make some alterations to her 'origins' story line [but more on that in a different segment at some other time] Aswell as a complete revamp of the basic character design. As seen Below.
The Following images are all [despite appearances, blame my scanner] Pencil sketches, They each took roughly under 15 mins to do, so you will have to forgive me for them lacking 'OOOOMF'
Here we have a basic side on Mugshot pic, masked and unmasked. Ii don't know, having started out doing more anime based work, i still feel hair rather strange to draw. As you can see, the hairstyle has changed dramatically from how i had drawn it in 99.
Possibly the best Trxsta™ pic ive drawn as of yet, i like the pose. And yes this is a homage to classices like 'the flinstones and the jetsons' which taught me from a very young age, all about drawing girls with that 'clasic' hourglass figure. This is a redraw of a work i did last year, which is currently on my devart gallery. Alterations i made : her 'proportions' are now no longer exagerated.
Another classsic pose, this pic took the longest cos i was unsure what to do with it to make it different from the above pic. And YES she IS holding a bomb. and YES she WILL throw it at you with a grin on her face. And YES she IS one of the goodguys. confused? me too.
1 comment:
cool stuff. - shasha
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