Tuesday, 19 June 2007

J to the U to the I,C,Ezzil, the things that i drink are the shiz fo rizzle.

With all the work ive been putting in on little projects I'd almost forgotten to mention the fact that we have a JUICER! i loves my juicer, i loves juicing apples and oranges and ginger and onions and mangoes and beetroot and ginseng and OMGAWD i wanna juice a durian and a Pommegranitte!

haha, anyways, ive been working on some character sketches, and should have those up some time relatively soon.

Ive found tho alot of the characters ive created over the years have little meetings with eachother sooner or later they are nearly all set in different timelines which has caused me to revise the entire history of everything ive made. And because of that i might put up a timeline of the 'world that spideR built' sometime soon as well. but not before char sketches. I think the first ones will be of Trixsta™. ill also add a character bio and other what nots if im not feeling too lazy after posting.

Anyways, im off to make me some more juices, i wonder if you could juice a taco . . . this has been a waste of our time, brought to you in part, by spideR.

This is spideR saying,
spideR out.

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