I was hoping my next post would be full of more artistical eyecandies for your viewing pleasure but tbh i real cbf scanning those images in atm. So instead i figured i might hit you, my loyal readers with a bit of General news. wats on the board miss ford? well today im guna talk about grudges.
Now as most of you know, last year several individuals whom iconsidered to be my closest friends all went and held a mutiny aboard the SS.Dinoisawesome and the resulting depressin i felt resulted in me comandeering an old junker named SS.Dinosgoneemo. Blah blah blah, long story short . . . what im really amazed at is how long people want to hold a grudge for and the means that they will go to just tomake you feel miserable.
Its rather sad really, as certain individuals whom i have long left in the past and since chosen to not cause furthr troubles with have decided that it just isn't enough to talk foul of me in real life but to also take their problems online. Dragging innocent people who have nothing to do with this little feud into the mix. Had i been the child i was last year i would have made a scene about thewhole matter but having grown a slight bit more since then i no longer feel i should harbor feelings of anger towards these people for their actions. As selfish as they may be. Instead i pity them for being so petty and without consideration of what affect their actions may have on those who should not be involved but now are.
For those of you who had not been reading the Old spideR's web [my previous blog] here is a brieff summary of what problems there were in the last year.
- i had been feeling rather miserable as my grandfather had recently passed and i had been sick for 4 months.
- I had become close friends with a girl one of my now ex best friends was and still is ínfatuated'with, which later caused some problems.
- I had borrowed an amount of cash from someone and when our friendship ended i still intended to pay him back untill he decided to make a threat. [im like the U.S.A i dont pay terrorist]
- My oldest friend, whom i had known since kindergarden picked sides and it wasnt mine.
- I was accused of stealing an account on warcraft [supposedly because i was angry, but anyone who knows me knows full well that if im angry i show it in a way that can be seen, heard and felt not over some thing as stupid as a video game]
the lsit goes on but my problems are not yours and so i will not go further into detail on the subject. Anyways, as it were tohappen, today as i log onto msn a 'friend'whom i know not to be completely neutral on the matter and not exactly on my side either, told me in a non direct fashion that he with others had gotten someone kicked out of clan xNoC because that person was an account thief. He wouldnt give a name which i suppose was clue enough that it was I who had been kicked out of clan. Later discusions with clan leaders brang the situation into a more clearer view.
"****** and *********** say they hate you and that they would leave clan if youstayed" simple logic that even i could guess at before the next words were spoken "sorry dude, but 2 good people in clan is still better than one good person in clan" after apologising to clan leaders taht they need get involved in certain peoples problems with me, i decided it would be for the better that i leave clan. After all someone has to be the bigger man over this all. and im more than prepared to be such a person. The type of person who wished to simply forget the problems, it doesnt matter to me that the friends are no longer mine, i just dont want to see others get pulled into the blender while the red lights on.
Anyways, thats about it for now. And yes, i know a certain someone is going to read this and i hope he has at least some level of self dignity left within him as those who get pulled intothis needlesly tend to lose respect for those that do the pulling. this is dino the spideR saying
spideR out.
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Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Se você quiser linkar meu blog no seu eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso. (If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada. If he will be possible add my blog in your blogroll I thankful, bye friend).
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